Friday, August 25, 2006

Super Poofy Prom Dress

Greetings from Israel!

Hi everyone! As promised, here are some news about the journey and my arrival in Israel. Luckily the trip was very nice since we left; for the first time we saw the snowy mountains was exciting. The flight was on time and went to Madrid as soon change planes.
That thing nuestors Chilean brothers! Were the only ones that we controlled everything. Even in Israel, where I received in an Argentina Customs very friendly and I wish a very happy stay.
When we were waiting for us guys and cousin David who we llevarona to
; lunch at his home in the neighborhood of PeƱascales: a beautiful place, a beautiful home and a warm and generous host.
Madrid Airport is huge but almost empty so as to reach the exit. Already in the boarding area there is a train that is taken to leave or board, as appropriate. What poquitisimo in Spain I saw I liked, what surprised me that everything is dry. As the urban landscape is amazing and is built. I was also surprised how different the edification of our starting colors. All very clean, tidy and modern. The neighborhood is PeƱascales outside Madrid and from the house are fields where summer Pardo kings of Spain.
At 23.35 pm the plane came to Israel, leg of the trip I took one, because David was ten days at sea with his uncles. I was very tired but the trip to Israel was short, 4 hrs and a half. I impact the aerial view of Tel Aviv airport, which was all lit up by the hour and the entire city lying on the sea that looked neatly Mediteraneo. I was so thrilled with that view and what little Falaba to meet me Ismael.
I had no problem at customs, made all the paperwork promptly and when I left, I hoped Mael-which I had seen and jumped for joy with Gal, your partner and the breast of this to me I look beautiful pink welcome. She took us from the airport to the department. It was five and a half ago announcing a warm and wet.
Tel Aviv is a very particular that I meet every day. Many people in many parts of the world very modern cars, buildings generally low, except for very high and modern buildings in the central area. There are not many nice houses. Ismael live in a major boulevard in the city, in a nice apartment with spacious and high walls. It is two blocks from the Mediterranean, which today is known and beautiful: blue, blue, almost white sand and waters finite very warm: a glory! The streets populated by trees and flowers varied, but Ismael said to be in the winter when it rains, which are more beautiful. By day ever since the night is cloudy is covered by low clouds that disappear at sunrise.
too hot all day, so that the conditioning in the rooms are turned on day and night. I, after walking through the city to learn crafts fair, some shopping (do not forget to walk with Ismael and is addicted to shopping), test meals, drinks and fruits, ask, talk, and amazed, I end up exhausted and I sleep like an angel.
Chapter aprte deserve the fruits and vegetables! There are what look, and what is not (just unknown), also: seedless watermelons, melons and apples, peaches and all kinds delicious, huge figs, grapes of all colors, cucumbers, squash, onions, scallions, tomatoes , tomatoes, leeks, puerrotes ... all different colors and sizes: a feast for the eyes and taste! (Also all very expensive, I tell them)
Well, just two days ago that I am, we planned some excursions and visits to the Dead Sea, Jerusalem and some other places whose name escapes me at this time. But recently they will be when David comes. Mael is anxious because I arrived and although will be enjoying in Playa del Aro in Spain, no doubt also wish to meet soon with his brother.
Type war correspondent (here there are many, so I was told that the airport in Tel Aviv is the third largest in the world) to here is the part of those days to 18,000 km. Cordoba my dear. No news is that over there will say: Here there is not a soldier and now that I think, not a cop ... I wish to continue so. Afetuoso greeting for all


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