The day dawned rainy. A heavy rain, persistent. It is assumed we are in the driest month of the year, but it seems that we are in the wet season. Anyway, better get up, I've booked as a tour boat on the river at 8 am, to see the birds in the area ... but will it be worth going out with this time?
After a few minutes we have the answer. Andrew, the owner of the property is called the window and says it has canceled the boat trip through the rain. So we ran out to see the birds (and crocodiles), but still decided to get up early to see if we can do something else.
Andrew and Trish are very friendly. Besides reserve the tour, and inform us of your cancellation, We also booked dinner at the restaurant yesterday. And by simply making reservations, the dinner we ended up with a discount of 15%. This morning, the last in our stay, we make a picture in the end we sent by email. And the breakfast delicious. Everything is homemade, even bread and jams. And when he (wisely) asked for a bakery to buy bread, they offered a few slices of homemade bread.
early breakfast, and head of travel before ten o'clock. We have all day to go before reaching the airport, the flight from Cairns is at seven o'clock. But this time, what we do? When we Mosman up to the rain continues and we do not want to do the walk with the Indians who had planned to do on this day.
Trying to avoid bad weather take the road to the plateau, to see if it rains less in height. And indeed, the time is less rain from above. We stopped here and there to geocache treasure hunting, we go places termite six feet tall and stopped for lunch beside a lake, an oasis in this dry part. The east coast of Australia is. Near the sea is rather wet, but once you go inland you have to climb a mountain range, low but high enough to stop the moisture, and appears before you the outback, the land so dry that, as you wander the continent becomes more dry hot desert planet.
We still have time, so we take a detour to reach the highlands of Atherton. In this part, a couple of hours of Cairns, there are several lakes, all filled with water formed craters of volcanoes. It's an awesome place, but the rain, returning to haunt us, leaves us comfortable ride. With what we follow.
The map shows something called "tree cathedral, so we went to that place. If a tree with that name should be something spectacular.
And certainly, the tree cathedral is the most fantastic tree I've ever seen. No more than five hundred years, tourism panel says, but in this forest of young trees that grow so quickly, these many years. And the tree seems those years and more. Choke is a ficus, which grew in the high treetops. Over time the roots reach the ground, and the tree ended up strangling the original tree. There is not no trace of this first tree, and what you see are all aerial roots that rise tens of meters, to see above the tree itself, majestic, with all those roots with shapes which resemble the decorations of a Gothic cathedral. You can even walk by the roots, and into this cathedral is magical. From below, are all roots and branches are up there. And the most curious among the branches seems that there are other trees, and maybe in another five hundred years their roots reach the ground to end this cathedral and perhaps create something greater.
We still have time to do something more with what we are still exploring this fascinating area. The road turns into forest road unpaved and leads to a trail that runs from the forest. I realize that the forest track has taken longer than anticipated and now we're just in time, which seems rather ride a place with little interruption. Back
found that this deviation after visiting the cathedral is something that we should not have done. It's after five, and the plane leaves at seven. We have less than an hour to get to the airport if we take the plane with no trouble. And between us and the airport is the forest track, and a road that leads through the mountains, a road we do not know and we can bring surprises.
I look at the map and find that the worst of the mountain is still to come. Are all curves and more curves. So I press the accelerator, but you can not go very fast on this road. Will we in time? To make matters worse, the deposit Gasoline starts to make reservations, so we'll have to stop somewhere to refuel. And we began to make plans if we do not time. Maybe it's better that way. If we lose the plane, we have another night to enjoy Cairns. I very nearly like this idea. Overall, we've already lost once on the plane trip.
The road continues and continues. We reached the shore, and soon found a gas station. The road now takes us into Cairns, we have to cross from side to side, stopping on their lights. At the end we left Cairns to reach the airport. Are later than half past 6, we still have time ... barely. But I have yet to leave the car.
it is better to get off Mineko with luggage, and then I leave the car. The airport is small, and luckily no one in the car rental office. Just I have to leave the key in a mailbox, which I do in a minute, and run to see Iwasaki, who is finalizing the arrangements of the bags, a guard with a curious looking frantic activity. It is 7 quarter.
We run a check ... Is it too late?
Well no, the plane leaves late, and yet until we wait. With what was just and our trip, no extra night in Cairns ... perhaps should have driven a little slower.
Gone are the fish and the barrier reef, the trees and beaches, and majestic cathedral.