Daintree River marks the border of the habitat of the crocodile. From here, take a swim in a river is equivalent to risk being attacked by a crocodile, and in all rivers warning sign appears. Boating abound for tourists who want to see these animals, but there is something that appeals to us. If we are to see crocodiles, or whatever, we prefer that is not part of a tour group. If we're going to see something wild, it better be in their natural state, without interference or out of any travel agent.
With that, instead of look for crocodiles, crossed the river to see the forest and its potential charm. From the ferry we see in front, a green mantle of trees. Left behind civilization, and into the park.
But we soon discovered that the north is almost as civilized as the south. The road, narrow and winding, passing close to tourist attractions. One is a room where there is a platform to the height of the treetops, where you can see the monkey forest view, if any monkeys here. We prefer not to pay the ticket, and instead we walk a trail "classic" on the ground. The place, alone, is everything to us, and enjoy the great variety of trees, plants vines, and vegetation are the two things, climbing trees that are born in the crowns of mature trees, and instead of growing up growing down to the roots reach the ground. Once the roots reach down, these trees are becoming stronger, and eventually strangle his benefactor. Strangler figs are.
Later we came to a beach where the forest reaches the sand. It is an area of \u200b\u200bcontrasts, between the green vegetation, white sand and blue water. And walking along the shore we found many pieces of coral near the barrier. Here, instead of collecting sea shells, which play is to collect pieces of coral. Next to the beach we see a signal Jellyfish warning that during the summer are a danger as serious as the Crocodile river. We
obligatory stop at an ice cream with tropical fruit artisans there. Are unknown fruit flavors and appetizing. While we enjoyed our dessert came a couple of buses to unload their human cargo, all eager to taste the ice cream.
continued the tour, stopping here and there, walking through forest and beach. The vegetation is interesting, but the truth is not so special. Print gave me a lot more vegetation near Sydney the first time I came to Australia, with its eucalyptus trees, their flowers of spider and flower "bottle brush" and nuts as artistic banksia tree. And I got the impression forests of Tasmania and New Zealand, with its ancient trees, huge. Here in the Australian tropical trees are all young. It is a vegetation that has not changed since the time when all continents were united in the supercontinent of Pangea, long before the arrival of the dinosaurs. Knowing this is impressive, yes, but the trees themselves, rather primitive, are not as colorful as elsewhere. Back
we realize that we were late for our dinner reservation, so we traveled hastily, to the extent that we leave the road until you reach the restaurant. The dinner, fabulous and a great way to end the day.
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