Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Candida Royalle Mediafire
Knowing that two of my brothers there in Argentina, would like to read and "play" my Christmas wish for them, I send a postcard.
One day I passed a bookstore, I went and bought two beautiful cards that came each with your envelope.
Arrive home at night, I asked, "where you buy stamps?"
mmmmmmmm ...... I heard my son saying surfer while hugging his cat dancing, singing "Luz Clarita ..."; then said: I bought at tobacco shops (places where cigarettes are sold). Purchased
the next morning, I wrote a syncretic but felt message of Peace and Joy, with a calligraphic c ion, I put the names and addresses, I glued the stamps - so tiny they caught only two colors, "and when I wanted to close envelopes, oh surprise, had no glue!
Bah! I said buy a boligoma morning.
So, I went to the area to find the right business. And I began: - Childhood Center Las Margaritas, not; Brewery The small grains, either. I kept walking and suddenly I see a beautiful stained glass window featuring live and direct:
gambas peladas
; filetes de bank
Jamon Iberico lomo (hmmm, too tempting ...)
Norwegian salmon back ... without question, was not the place ...
I walked a little more, NAIL, said:
gel nails
drawing nails Diamond Nail
demand shifts .... not find there what he wanted.
A little corner offered to let " Beautiful outside, beautiful on the inside" , how are you?
... What Did I Search? ah! true! gum paste ... There is a Chinese sure have! What is it?: Pans, scarves, cribs, curtains, umbrellas, pants, statues, mirrors, buttons, and even The Lucky Cat waving from a corner. Question: glue, is it?, And as driven Chinaman provided, clicking heels, smiling softly swipes the package and pulls me: cotton, a watch, rollers, aromatizanates all seas ... there's no point: you do not understand. Thanks, I say with a smile and leave. Suddenly
warn: Do not have known before! plasticola not seek more and instead, change the envelope! In Chinese the next, and relieved wonder envelopes and take out a package: 24 legal size envelope with all its leaves, 8 euros, sing ... and I reckon I say: "And if I greet my brothers in March, when he returns? "
I go four days ... I think the absurdity of not being able to easily resolve the issue so simple!
In this step by a tight and asked for letter envelopes. And the point: "How many like the lady? "he says warmly Galician. Two, mumbled deflated .-" Well here they are! "he says smiling .... and had rubber!
disbelief, I completed data again, hit the stamps and, in fear, saying: "Here there be any mailbox?" always polite answer: "Look, ma'am, I have three steps."
and dragging, which cartoon arms the wet sidewalk, I, with some dry leaves that fall insolent
walk, caught in my fingers, the fat yellow egg box, and stuffed envelopes.
No hand off from there, I imagined Atlantic infinity and I said Madrid so that this is not the port of Palos ... !
I hope my brother will get my wishes, at least, from the hand of King Momo, the next Carnival ... Today
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Cruise Going To Morocco
I lent it to my nephew a few years ago Cali and I liked it so much I wanted to buy it, but not encontré.Un day, I went to a bookstore in Sheikin, Tel Aviv, and there was and in Hebrew, I wanted to give a Castilian amigo.En, ever.
refers to the description of many cities of the Mughal Empire, the Great Khan description called Marco Polo, the emperor's favorite talks, where you would just listen to wonderful stories to ignite your spirit and mind.
The Venetian Khan recounted to what was seen by the world, but above all, what only he saw, and then was referred to Mr. : a maze of city invented.
His language is simple, pleasant to read and is an almost architectural description fantasized cities where intersects magic and wonder.
In fact, it seems that is related to The Book of Wonders , the actual Marco Polo.
Its author, Italo Calvino, in his belief that man can create worlds, but not destroy the living hell that is all around us, tried to alienate their readers of the implacable and closer to the world of fantasy and imagination.
As I read, I bask in their beautiful, simple pages.
Gradually, I began to think that it was only in these descriptions: the painting of a city, leading to a reflection on oneself, one's own inner journey.
Finally today, motivated by fond memories of this reading, I finished reading Calvin's opinion about the book: " I have written something like a last love poem to the cities, where increasingly difficult to live them as cities "...
is a very pretty book, you may want to read it ... maybe you like too.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Can You Work As An Intern At Autozone
Madrid only slept in a gray haze blotted up above the balcony and down branches and left, Pring, streets and sidewalks .
But today, after five days, the sun came !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And look, joyous, heaven spotless and the many faces that the city shows me his features:
... Madrid is the girl who runs shrouded in the whirlwind of his own voice and abundant, says his business of the day? ;
... or that couple-very slowly passes his hand this site, but their eyes reveal that "fly" in other ways?;
... and the mother rushed to push the cart while in a child ajoooooooos gives a concert?;
... or these guys who swallow the subway and leave the trail of her scent again, backpack and carrying arms in their books or notes?
... and elegant ladies arm portfolio, perfect hair, lipstick and the smooth ride, safe, slow, leading to somewhere: a coffee, a pint, a friend, a cinema ...
... is this underworld that people down there underground: agitated, mixed, multiracial, which many read, some, tired, lost his eye in the dark mouth, others with their headphones on, dancing his own dance, sing voices of others or, in a gesture almost mad: talk, laugh, question, without a visible one you hear, say or report ...?
... or these gentlemen to walk in a hurry, going to work with their suitcases fight the wind ...?
... will also, I believe, those dark faces of the Latin accent, or the black leather athletic good shape and strange voices that since its height offers a shy smile snowy brother, wandering abroad distant nest .. .?
Without hesitation: Madrid is all and more.
also is its cityscape, streets and buildings, with relish, I will unveil these days ...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
How To Get Ilife On Windows
Start my own blog ...
Easy for some. Difficult for those who are used to choose other modes of communicating.
At last: a defibrillation!! I undertake with joy and with the expectation of a door opening, a new look, a path that is drawn and we can walk, if we want when we want ...
can be interesting and enlightening ... do not you think? Van
travel experiences.
I hope to add many more!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pay Runescape Membership With Prepaid Mastercard
I must apologize, but is that completely passed me discuss with you all the news of the unfortunate and tragic death of the owner of Segway electric scooters , a few dates.
The operator of the invention in question was Dean Kamen, but the person at hand: Jimi Heselden just bought the company in January this year probably seeing a return that many others did not appreciate. The vehicle in question is criticized for being quite dangerous, have a range too low and have too high a price. In fact it was known as the "scooter with no future."
The truth is that the owner of the company has ended up giving the reason critics with the issue of dangerousness, as he died by using a new prototype for the field they were developing. By all accounts the accident that took the life of a millionaire British businessman was most absurd, to be precipitated by a ledge near the River Wharfe, in Yorkshire. Jimi Heselden
after working all his youth as a miner lost his job after the radical restructuring that the sector suffered the last quarter century. In the 80's, thanks to his experience as a miner is when he amassed his fortune by selling a war to wire baskets filled with earth and water that were more effective against mortar attacks that sandbags .
still remembers his first millionaire eccentricity when a plane chartered for their employees to Benidorm was granted after the product rights for the Kosovo war and met all deliveries.
currently holds the position 395 in the list of millionaires Sunday Times.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Bloating Following Hernia Surgery
uncle, if we left my brother and I up on the internet, flip!. Look here if you do not believe. JA.
The worst has been about my old man. And why stop behave well with us, religiously paying us $ 27,000 annual school.
I left them locked in his room throughout the fiestas, the truth is that they had no idea of \u200b\u200banything but clear in a kelly freak like me to find you. Here you have a pic of my kelly for your information.
was all brilliantly prepared with the 600 guests who had arrived in buses from 4 everywhere Boca Raton, and they were out in the parking lot of the village.
Cops persists in saying that there were people throwing up when they arrived and some other girl unconscious. But why!. It was a party in style. "Many of them were under the legal age for drinking?. But we know that it is normal here. I do not know what world they live!. Above
securatas hired after the cops told us they had no license or anything. Well, that I thought so when I asked a group of buddies that I promised to deal with the issue.
But as I say, so sorry is my old they have carefully worked his whole life long and almost did not jug. Besides, they knew nothing, were encerraditos in his room while all this was happening. How cool
our kelly!, As cool to have pasta!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Soul Eater Online Doujinshi
We commented a while back as Carlos Slim was the new world's richest man according to Forbes magazine , and we were struck by how a country like Mexico had such privilege.
The data are more striking: Mr. Slim properties, up more than 5% of gross domestic production (GDP ) of Mexico and one third of the value of Mexican stocks.
In any case the numbers are always cold and unfeeling, but sometimes one would also call attention to the numbers and figures for encouraging and supportive.
And is that the two richest men in the United States, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett announced last few dates, they want to convince other magnates of the world to donate half of his fortune to charity.
Apparently, the idea was born at a dinner held in New York in May 2009 and flourished in other similar meetings between wealthy enthusiasts.
Buffett, investor and industry of 79 years old, whose fortune is estimated at 47 billion dollars, made by hand the following pledge: "Over 99% of my wealth will go to philanthropy in my life or die."
After discussion with his family, Buffett decided he wants to stay "with everything we need and distribute the rest of society for their needs."
Other millionaires have joined the initial idea. David Rockefeller, the mayor of New York and the richest man in the city Michael Bloomberg and entertainer TV-and multi- Oprah Winfrey are among the potential participants.
One of the foundations that would benefit from this movement among individuals with more money in the world, would be led by the Gates family ( The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ) that has been helping those in need since 1994.
is really worthy of admiration for people that society and life has given everything, try to return it to some extent at the end of their path.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Urban Outfitters Comforters
That the end justifies the means is an axiom of life, that from My Tailor is Rich are not going to try to erode. Much less taking into account what is the line we seek followers this blog. Furthermore, as we all know, and this is an open secret, the best way to achieve economic romance with our bank account is nothing but to be someone who, say, goes beyond the law and are to some extent respect the behaviors that ordinary people usually take for granted.
But if one day decide to be of such people and tell you the following circumstances favorable for a time suddenly turn against you, you have to learn to adapt to the situation and know that life can smile, but it is often thankless and unfair.
All this talk is to case of ex-millionaire Jack Abramoff. During the years 90 and with the coming to power in the U.S. Republicans and later with George W. Bush, this man went on to become one of the most influential super-rich country.
"How do you get it? Well, according to statements after all this, the good man was charged with conspiracy to public officials, mail fraud and tax evasion in relation to large sums of money for Republicans members of U.S. Congress.
But best of all this story is that after spending three years in prison the man who was influential at high levels, has accepted a job in a pizzeria where you pay about $ 10 an hour.
After asking the owner of the pizzeria and current head of Jack Abramoff the reason to hire him, he replied:
"Why would not hire you? Has already paid his debt to society, right? "
Finally, seeing is believing. Jack Abramoff played with fire in his day and the bet went wrong. Many others as we all know they are still doing great. In any event worthy of admiration as Jack has now been adapted to their new situation, perhaps hoping that luck will smile again.
"Hero or villain?. I leave that to you, from My Tailor is Rich ... we reserve the opinion
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
How Do I Masterbate In Bed
Continuing with last week's article in which we began the series entitled "HEROES OF MY BLOG TAILOR IS RICH", came into my hands a few weeks ago thanks to a dear friend, a story that could well put at the top of our gods to the protagonist of the story ... If it was not very sorry seems to be that it is an urban legend , or less that are being commissioned to do some.
In any case whether or not real, the story I happened to be detailed below, is priceless:
Near Bristol Zoo in England there is parking for 150 cars and 8 coaches.
For 25 years the payments for the parking it was sent to a nice gentleman.
prices were € 1.40 for cars and 7.00 € for coaches.
One day, after 25 years of loyal service without absenteeism, the little man did not appear to work.
The zoo administration called for the City and requested that they send another employee.
The City Council made a quick research and found that the parking was in charge of the zoo.
To which the Zoo said that the employee was in the municipality.
City Council said it was a mistake since that was never employed staff and had never paid any salary.
During this time in a sunny place in his beautiful villa, is a man who apparently i nventó their own arrangements for paying the parking and put it up for 25 years, c very day, to collect the parking fee for visitors of the zoo. Working for 25 years, 7 days a week, had met the not inconsiderable sum of 560 e. day, nearly 17,000 € per month which represented after 25 years the sum of 7 million euros for individual retirement.
reiterate that I do not know if the story is true or not but it could take it into account to extract the moral, once again, how close we are without much effort and with much wit for a better life.
Monday, May 3, 2010
What To Guys Wear Under Wrestling Singlet
I think this character that we will discuss in this article, we will become the first in the list: "HEROES OF THE BLOG MY TAILOR IS RICH. This list can become something like a small shrine to worship those who got the life we \u200b\u200bseek in this blog, thanks to innovative ideas, bright, maybe a little crazy, but at the end of the day .... millions.
Let the case in question.
not know if you know but Madrid is very common in restaurants to ask to drink a jug tap water, you often bring to the table gently with ice and everything. Of course the cost of this pitcher is 0 and that allows you to bring down the account when you go out to dinner on weekends, for example. This is because water has a large Madrid quality and people do not need bottled water to prevent lime flavors or excessive water elsewhere.
Same thing happens in New York , apparently is a high quality water that people consume no problems.
The question before us is the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200b Craig Zucker, selling tap water, bottling previously. The project came up thinking of the people of New York who often eat in the street called "Fast-Food " (fast food). Obviously bottled tap water is much cheaper in supermarkets than mineral waters and the hero before us has become rich with the idea.
But the boy and promised from a very young man wanting to become a millionaire as soon as possible and cool ways. Another plan he came to the case, was paid a million dollars I got a hole in one stroke on a golf course. Of course, charged a dollar for every attempt to conduct the player. I said, a crack!.
encouraged to read the article if you have a spare second, because characters like this are the true heroes of our blog. Read and enjoy.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Places Willing To Donate Gift Cards
How do I get to be rich?. This difficult question and may not have only one correct answer. There are many ways and probably many ways to reach it. At the moment we are we can offer advice and stories of those already there.
From the most incomprehensible, most inspiring, we offer the best advice from people with more money in this world.
"Listen to your grandfather" - Jeff Bezos
Amazon founder began his business with a loan from their parents. But Jeff, 46, believes that his grandparents are a great source of wisdom.
Jeff says: "My grandfather was my role model. You learn different things from the grandparents who do not learn from your parents."
"Take a break on TV" - Mukesh Ambani
Indian tycoon 52, the fourth richest man in the world with 19.2 billion pounds, believed to relax is one of the keys to business success. From two to three hours a day watching Bollywood movies . It is also a vegetarian and teetotaler.
"Never miss your favorite TV shows" - Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Saudi Billionaire
55, who has accumulated a staggering 13 billion pounds through shrewd investments, including the largest acquisition of shares in Citigroup , ensures that you always see on TV. But do not you costs nothing to the 500 devices that have spread in the palace of 84 million pounds in Riyadh.
"Experts Doubt, question authority" - Lawrence Ellison
The co-founder and executive director of the third largest software company, Oracle , discovered the twelve years that was adopted by his uncles . Lawrence says that "the most important aspect of my personality, has been to question convention, experts doubting and questioning of authority"
"can be very painful, but enormously useful in life"
"Set the clock before of time "- Li Ka-Shing
This employer of 81 years which owns the largest port in the world (Hong Kong) and the largest telecommunications operator, in addition to retail chain owner health and beauty world's most powerful uses a Seiko watch 25 euros which is always ahead 20 minutes.
"Cree en el 23" - Sunil Mittal
mogul 52 years of mobile telephony, says that 23 is the key to its 5.1 million pounds of success. Born on 23, married one day 23 and always prefers a meeting on 23 th of any month.
"Never give up" - John Paulson
billionaire Paulson who was the man who won more money in the world after the global credit crisis, quoted Winston Churchill always "Never give up, never give up"
"I know superstitious" - Erika Batista
The Brazilian businessman of 66 years, added almost 13 million pounds to her fortune last year and become the richest man in the world ... if you still relying on their superstitions.
Among them, the name of all companies ends in X, the multiplication sign, and every deal that closes must contain the number 63 on the offer, the number of sailing when he was champion the world in the category of racing yachts.
"Be consistent, use your own product - Ingver Kamprad
The Swedish founder of Ikea has furnished his home in Lausanne, Switzerland, using virtually all the furniture in their own stores.
Kamprad of 83 , is worth 23 million pounds, but drives a volvo second hand. He says, "is a bit tight with money, but so what?, when I spend anything on myself, I wonder if Ikea's customers could afford "
" Eat Fish "- Steve Jobs
A meal rich in Omega-3 increases brain power. Megainteligente
But the boss of Apple has become so important that only eats fish, seafood and vegetables.
Their favorite foods, according to Apple employees are: seafood risotto, fish soup, salmon and sushi. Usually wears black sweater, Levi's 501 and New Balance sneakers .
"Enjoy what you do" - Ronan Perelman
While many billionaires never mix business with pleasure, Mr. Perelman says the opposite works best.
He admits the cigar aficionado for years smoked 5 a day, and bought the company Consolidated Cigar Corporation, which even only produce some custom products for him. Enjoys
also bought Marvel comics .
once said: "I have never interested companies would not have enjoyed owning.
" Do not lose the moral "- Stefan Persson
owner H & M, 62, is famous by its strict code of ethics. Something learned Kate Moss to be fired after the discovery of his relationship with cocaine. It also refuses to leave his country for tax and has created many charitable foundations.
"Always read the fine print" - Mikhail Prokhorov
The Russian businessman learned this the tough way to lose a few months ago a deposit of 36 million pounds, after retiring from a 2008 agreement to buy a villa worth 360 million pounds in the French Riviera .
Under French law, once a contract has been signed, a deposit can only be refunded within seven days.
"Watch the pennies" - Warren Buffett
The billionaire American investor of 79 years, is the third richest man in the world with a fortune of 47 million pounds.
However, he still lives in the same Omaha house he bought for 20,000 pounds in 1957. Buy clothes in China, has no phone, no computer and he drives his own car.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Aishwarya Rai Showing

Forbes, true to his appointment with the world's richest men, gave birth last week to a new ranking , with a wealth of categories, numbers and money, especially a lot of money .
As has happened in the past three years, the leadership of ranking as the world's richest man has changed hands. This time
holds the first Instead the Mexican Carlos Slim Helu . Among other entries on his resume, appears as a shareholder of the New York Times , Apple (In 1997 it acquired the shares of software company, just before the release of iMac , making his fortune multiplied), and of course owner telecommunications company TELMEX virtually monopolizes the service in his country. Say it could be a phone but still exaggerated.
I particularly, it seems a bit shocking that a country like Mexico , say no to the head of the world's most developed states, but holds the privilege of a citizen to the world's richest man. Anyway.

Speaking and apart from the first position, it is noteworthy that the ranking of the top 25 come in with force the founders of this invention called Google . Finally someone relatively young ( Page and Brin not reach age 40) enters the list at the hands of new technologies and the Internet, a field which is sure in the coming years will see growing occupants the top of the ranking. Time to time.
And in Spain what?, Who are the richest?. As more of the same. Here there are no changes, Mr. Zara owner and his entire empire, Amancio Ortega continues to occupy the first position at national level. The distance to the owner of Mango Isak Andic in second place, is abysmal at these income levels. And for more detail the third richest person in Spain is the wife of Amancio Ortega, Mrs. Rosalia Mera . So what we are clear in Spain. In addition to these levels the very Florentino Pérez (7 º of Spain and 536 in the world) seems a mindundi.
I invite you all to take a tour of the large number of listings offered by forbes. Sure to find something interesting and stressed that they did not imagine.
And you know, our goal is to at least enter the TOP100. And let me know when.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Build Your Own Wwe Belt Cheap

Tell me no if you want, but who ever thought, "Well, if I would not have much money to splurge, enjoy life without exaggeration but without depriving myself of anything." Following this thought is a rich alternative. They come in many styles, one is the typical young super-rich family (note the posh accent), but always wears very normalito carries handmade garments and of course, your purse craft with a sheet drawn for meter ... to get, this, this ... well that you imagine.
And why I tell all this. Because I've always thought of that elegance in bringing the millions. Millionaire but no offense, gracefully, that we are all equal.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis story arises because the other day he read the list of the best hostels / cheap as the online portal . These are top rated by users, who for one reason or another have a special charm but are accessible to every pocket.
The list of the 10 hostels is as follows:
1. Travellers House, Lisbon (Portugal)
2. Rossio Hostel, Lisbon (Portugal)
3. Living Lounge Hostel, Lisbon (Portugal)
4. Academy Hostel, Florence (Italy)
5. carpe Noctem , Budapest (Hungary)
6. The Riverhouse Backpackers , Cardiff (United Kingdom)
7. Lounge Hostel Cascais, Lisbon (Portugal)
8. Greg & Tom Hostel , Krakow (Poland)
9. The Naughty Squirrel - Backpackers Hostel, Riga (Latvia)
10. Lisboa Central Hostel, Lisbon (Portugal)
Indeed, it is curious that among the top 10 occur 5 located in Lisbon. Now I begin to understand the charm that everyone talks about when referring to the Portuguese capital.

Finally, there was a day in which they were traveling on a tight budget, had to endure occasional filthy hotel, but that is a thing of the past and websites like hostelworld ensures that competition will benefit us users.
short, I'm going around the bush, the day we become millionaires, they are not filthy, and let them go criticize by alternativillos. Envy sure we erode further.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Nightmare Campus Anime Watch Online
had long wanted to comment on this news that caught my attention a few days ago read somewhere that other media online. It
that money can not buy happiness, but all will agree with me that help, and boy does it help!.
The last thing we could learn concerning the privileges in Indonesian prisons was enjoying the odd prisoner because of alleged bribes.
One might think that at worst it would be an extra helping of food or a mullidito mattress for cot, but nothing is further from the truth. Cells, some of them up to 64m2, available with: air conditioning, karaoke, flat screen TV, refrigerator and bed.
The truth is I do not know how they'll be able to achieve will become rich. I think that in a lawful manner should report more satisfaction with oneself, but seeing the privileges and rewards and benefits of people who enjoy "the afterlife", I think we're going to start adding items to the best ways to get rich too illegally. The question is: does the end justify the means?, I think while I enjoy my Karaoke.