Monday, May 3, 2010

What To Guys Wear Under Wrestling Singlet

tap water

I think this character that we will discuss in this article, we will become the first in the list: "HEROES OF THE BLOG MY TAILOR IS RICH. This list can become something like a small shrine to worship those who got the life we \u200b\u200bseek in this blog, thanks to innovative ideas, bright, maybe a little crazy, but at the end of the day .... millions.

Let the case in question.
not know if you know but Madrid is very common in restaurants to ask to drink a jug tap water, you often bring to the table gently with ice and everything. Of course the cost of this pitcher is 0 and that allows you to bring down the account when you go out to dinner on weekends, for example. This is because water has a large Madrid quality and people do not need bottled water to prevent lime flavors or excessive water elsewhere.
Same thing happens in New York , apparently is a high quality water that people consume no problems.

The question before us is the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200b Craig Zucker, selling tap water, bottling previously. The project came up thinking of the people of New York who often eat in the street called "Fast-Food " (fast food). Obviously bottled tap water is much cheaper in supermarkets than mineral waters and the hero before us has become rich with the idea.

But the boy and promised from a very young man wanting to become a millionaire as soon as possible and cool ways. Another plan he came to the case, was paid a million dollars I got a hole in one stroke on a golf course. Of course, charged a dollar for every attempt to conduct the player. I said, a crack!.

encouraged to read the article if you have a spare second, because characters like this are the true heroes of our blog. Read and enjoy.


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