Sunday, April 11, 2010

Places Willing To Donate Gift Cards

Advice from the richest. The richest

How do I get to be rich?. This difficult question and may not have only one correct answer. There are many ways and probably many ways to reach it. At the moment we are we can offer advice and stories of those already there.

From the most incomprehensible, most inspiring, we offer the best advice from people with more money in this world.

"Listen to your grandfather" - Jeff Bezos
Amazon founder began his business with a loan from their parents. But Jeff, 46, believes that his grandparents are a great source of wisdom.
Jeff says: "My grandfather was my role model. You learn different things from the grandparents who do not learn from your parents."

"Take a break on TV" - Mukesh Ambani
Indian tycoon 52, the fourth richest man in the world with 19.2 billion pounds, believed to relax is one of the keys to business success. From two to three hours a day watching Bollywood movies . It is also a vegetarian and teetotaler.

"Never miss your favorite TV shows" - Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Saudi Billionaire
55, who has accumulated a staggering 13 billion pounds through shrewd investments, including the largest acquisition of shares in Citigroup , ensures that you always see on TV. But do not you costs nothing to the 500 devices that have spread in the palace of 84 million pounds in Riyadh.

"Experts Doubt, question authority" - Lawrence Ellison
The co-founder and executive director of the third largest software company, Oracle , discovered the twelve years that was adopted by his uncles . Lawrence says that "the most important aspect of my personality, has been to question convention, experts doubting and questioning of authority"
"can be very painful, but enormously useful in life"

"Set the clock before of time "- Li Ka-Shing
This employer of 81 years which owns the largest port in the world (Hong Kong) and the largest telecommunications operator, in addition to retail chain owner health and beauty world's most powerful uses a Seiko watch 25 euros which is always ahead 20 minutes.

"Cree en el 23" - Sunil Mittal
mogul 52 years of mobile telephony, says that 23 is the key to its 5.1 million pounds of success. Born on 23, married one day 23 and always prefers a meeting on 23 th of any month.

"Never give up" - John Paulson
billionaire Paulson who was the man who won more money in the world after the global credit crisis, quoted Winston Churchill always "Never give up, never give up"

"I know superstitious" - Erika Batista
The Brazilian businessman of 66 years, added almost 13 million pounds to her fortune last year and become the richest man in the world ... if you still relying on their superstitions.
Among them, the name of all companies ends in X, the multiplication sign, and every deal that closes must contain the number 63 on the offer, the number of sailing when he was champion the world in the category of racing yachts.

"Be consistent, use your own product - Ingver Kamprad
The Swedish founder of Ikea has furnished his home in Lausanne, Switzerland, using virtually all the furniture in their own stores.
Kamprad of 83 , is worth 23 million pounds, but drives a volvo second hand. He says, "is a bit tight with money, but so what?, when I spend anything on myself, I wonder if Ikea's customers could afford "

" Eat Fish "- Steve Jobs
A meal rich in Omega-3 increases brain power. Megainteligente
But the boss of Apple has become so important that only eats fish, seafood and vegetables.
Their favorite foods, according to Apple employees are: seafood risotto, fish soup, salmon and sushi. Usually wears black sweater, Levi's 501 and New Balance sneakers .

"Enjoy what you do" - Ronan Perelman
While many billionaires never mix business with pleasure, Mr. Perelman says the opposite works best.
He admits the cigar aficionado for years smoked 5 a day, and bought the company Consolidated Cigar Corporation, which even only produce some custom products for him. Enjoys
also bought Marvel comics .
once said: "I have never interested companies would not have enjoyed owning.

" Do not lose the moral "- Stefan Persson
owner H & M, 62, is famous by its strict code of ethics. Something learned Kate Moss to be fired after the discovery of his relationship with cocaine. It also refuses to leave his country for tax and has created many charitable foundations.

"Always read the fine print" - Mikhail Prokhorov
The Russian businessman learned this the tough way to lose a few months ago a deposit of 36 million pounds, after retiring from a 2008 agreement to buy a villa worth 360 million pounds in the French Riviera .
Under French law, once a contract has been signed, a deposit can only be refunded within seven days.

"Watch the pennies" - Warren Buffett
The billionaire American investor of 79 years, is the third richest man in the world with a fortune of 47 million pounds.
However, he still lives in the same Omaha house he bought for 20,000 pounds in 1957. Buy clothes in China, has no phone, no computer and he drives his own car.


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